CSR Activity Reports
From 2016, we will release the Hitachi Metals Group Report (Integrated Report) for all stakeholders, including shareholders and other investors. The aim of the report is to deepen understanding among stakeholders about how the Group utilizes its strengths to create value for customers and achieve sustainable growth. In compiling the report, we referred to the International Integrated Reporting Framework published by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). In addition to the Hitachi Metals Group Report (Integrated Report), we provide information to our various stakeholders as CSR Detailed Activity Report. We also periodically update our corporate website with the latest information, including detailed information and news releases.
(CSR Detailed Activity Report) is available on the official website in PDF format.
Hitachi Metals Group CSR Detailed Activity Report 2021
- Hitachi Metals Group CSR Detailed Activity Report 2021(PDF:)
- Cover(PDF:)
- Contents(PDF:)
- About This Document / Disclaimer(PDF:)
- Hitachi Metals Group Codes of Conduct(PDF:)
- Ⅰ Message from Management(PDF:)
- Ⅱ About the Hitachi Metals Group(PDF:)
- 1.Corporate Profile
- 2.Consolidated Operating Performance
- 3.Principal Business Bases
- 4.Business Domains and Major Product Applications
- Ⅲ Corporate Governance(PDF:)
- 1.Basic Views
- 2.Overview of the Corporate Governance Structure
- 3.Basic Views on Internal Control System and Progress of System Development
- 4.Basic Approach and Development Status Regarding Elimination of Antisocial Forces
- Ⅳ CSR Management(PDF:)
- 1.CSR Activities at the Hitachi Metals Group
- 2.Compliance
- 3.Information Protection and Management
- 4.Respect for Human Rights and Compliance with International Norms
- Ⅴ Report on Social Aspects(PDF:)
- 1.Together with Our Suppliers
- 2.In Cooperation with Society and the Local Community
- 3.Responsibility to Employees
- 4.Responsibility to Shareholders and Investors
- Ⅵ Report on Environmental Aspects(PDF:)
- 1.Environmental Management
- 2.Environmental Consideration in Products
- 3.Environmental Consideration in Manufacturing
- GRI Content Index(General Disclosures )(PDF:)
- GRI Content Index(Topic-specific Disclosures)(PDF:)