FAQ & Contact

Business Results and Financial Affairs
I'd like to know more about Hitachi Metals' business results. What kind of information is available?
Business reports are available on the Financial Reports section of this Website. Business performance trends are listed in Financial Data.
I do not want to read through an entire Consolidated Financial Statement. How can I get a quick summary of information pertaining to net sales, operating and net income, shareholders' equity, dividend payout, etc. for the current term?
A summary of our performance, as well as graphs comparing 5-year trends in net sales, operating income, net income, total assets and shareholders' equity, are available in Financial Data.
Stock Information
When was Hitachi Metals first listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?
October 1961
What is Hitachi Metals' TSE code number?
When does Hitachi Metals determine which shareholders will receive dividends?
Each March 31 and September 30. For details, please refer to the Shareholders' Memo.
Who should I contact concerning stock transfer, change of address and so on?
Such matters can be processed at the head office or any nationwide branch of either Tokyo Securities Transfer Agent Co., Ltd. For details, please refer to the Shareholders' Memo.
Other Matters
When was Hitachi Metals established?
The business was founded in 1910. The Company was spun off from Hitachi, Ltd. in April 1956. For further information, refer to the Corporate History page of the Corporate Profile section.
What is the Company's relationship to Hitachi, Ltd.?
Hitachi Metals was spun off from Hitachi, Ltd. in 1956. The parent company Hitachi Ltd. holds 54.0% of the voting rights in Hitachi Metals. Relationships with Hitachi Ltd. and other companies in the Hitachi Group are based on the preservation of autonomy in business operations and trading decisions. In the course of business conducted by the Hitachi Group, as a member of that Group Hitachi Metals maintains a close cooperative relationship with Hitachi Ltd. and other Group companies. At the same time Hitachi Metals utilizes the management resources of the Hitachi Group, and as a materials development company provides the highest quality products and services suited to the needs of the market and its customers.
How can I find the Websites of Hitachi Metals' consolidated subsidiaries and affiliates?
Consolidated and affiliated companies are listed in the Hitachi Metals Group page of the Corporate Profile section. Links to those companies with their own Websites can also be found there.
How can I found out about Hitachi Metals' involvement in academics, sports and other social contributions?
Such information is available on the In Cooperation with Society and the Local Community page of the Corporate Profile section.
How can I find out about Hitachi Metals' environmental protection efforts?
Such information is available on the The Hitachi Group's Environmental Vision / Annual Activity Report page of the CSR section.
How do I obtain copies of Hitachi Metals' annual reports, CSR Report and other such booklets?
Please use the Inquiries form to let us know which documents you wish to receive.


Hitachi Metals, Ltd., Corporate Communications
Shinagawa Season Terrace, 2-70, Konan 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8224, Japan

Contact Information