Functional Components
Research Dept.
Ever-advancing research and development
Research anticipating market needs
Focusing on casting technology for manufacturing cast iron and aluminum products, the Functional Components Research Dept. of Metallurgical Research Laboratory is conducting research and development for producing fabricated materials and components enabling weight reduction and energy saving in the automobile industry. As a laboratory developing products anticipating market needs, we have promoted extensive research and development in close cooperation with our customers.
Relentless pursuit of weight reduction
Casting is a technique for manufacturing products with complicated shapes by pouring high-temperature molten metal into molds made of sand or metal, and letting it cool and harden. Various applications require different properties including strength, toughness, heat resistance, productivity, as well as reduced weight. In addition to casting technology, our laboratory is working toward the development of materials with superior properties and the elucidation of the property development mechanism by electron microscopic analysis. Moreover, we are tackling the optimization of the casting process and the creation of light-weight structures using computer-aided engineering (CAE). Our efforts are also spent on the development of new materials including ceramics and composite materials, and their application in products.
- January, 2018
- Ceramic Adsorption Filter for Pretreatment of SWRO (Sea Water Reverse Osmosis) Desalination System(PDF:
- January, 2017
- Influence of Alloy Elements on Production of Ferritic Heat-Resistant Cast Steel(PDF:
- January, 2016
- Heat-Resistant Austenitic Ductile Iron—Microstructure and Shrinkage Properties(PDF:
- January, 2015
- Mechanical Properties and Dimensional Accuracy on Precipitation Hardening Stainless Casting Steel SCS24(PDF:
Ahead of other foundries in Japan, the Functional Components Research Dept. will continue bringing next-generation fabricated materials to the market, contributing to reducing environmental load.