Advanced Metals Division
Materials for industrial equipment
A history of innovation in advanced
metallurgical technology and materials
True to our tradition, we strive to consistently refine our material development capabilities. With the same intensity required to create tama-hagane—a high-value-added material produced by the tatara foundry method—we enhance the full luster of the materials we produce. While enhancing steel purity through stringent raw material selection methods, we continue to support the development of a wide range of industries by providing highly functional materials.
A list of Materials for industrial equipment
Turbine Wheel
for Turbo Charger -
Materials For Use In Vanes & Engine Valves
Metallic Interconnector Material For SOFC ZMG™232G10
Soft Magnetic Alloy with High Magnetic Flux Density Permendur
MIM (Metal-Injection Molding) Titanium Sintered Products
Metal Injection Molding (MIM) Cobalt Optical Communications Parts