wear-resistant hose for powders and solids
The CERA HOSE is an ultra-wear-resistant hose with ceramic balls and sheets in the inner surface. Providing a solution to quick wear and the short life of piping in systems for transporting powder and solids with the use of air or fluids, the CERA HOSE is actively used for the spraying of fireproof refractory lining and for the injection of coke and pulverized coal in the steelmaking industry, and for sand shot blasting in bridge construction. The CERABEND is a bend pipe product with outstanding durability. It is suited for bent pipe sections vulnerable to severe damage caused by abrasion. The use of the CERABEND will help prolong the service life of piping in bent sections.
The abrasion loss is one eighth to one-fifteenth of that of conventional hoses. It helps to reduce the frequency of pipe repair work and pipe replacement.*
* Comparison with our existing products

Examples of the CERA HOSE in use
- Sand blasting / Shot blasting (coating surface preparation for bridges, ships, etc.)
- Piping (straight and bent sections) for powder pumping purpose in a factory
- Coke injection into blast furnaces and electric furnaces
- Spraying of refractory lining for repairing blast furnaces and electric furnaces

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