CSR Management

CSR Management Framework

Ongoing Improvements in Management Quality in Line with ISO 26000

In 2014, the Hitachi Group revised the Hitachi Group CSR Policy (formulated in 2005), which is aimed at furthering the integration between management and CSR. These revisions were made to provide a new framework based on ISO 26000, the global standard for corporate social responsibility. In accordance, Hitachi Metals will further reinforce its PDCA cycle for CSR management to accurately recognize international society's expectations, to make steady progress toward fulfilling its responsibilities and to ensure ongoing improvements in management quality.

FY2020 Initiative Results and FY2021 Plans

★★★ Achieved  ★★ 90% Achieved  ★ Not Achieved
Some of the FY2020 measures (planned) have been reviewed.
FY2020 Measures (Planned) FY2020 Measures (Results) Self-assessment Measures Planned for FY2021
1. Organizational Governance
  • Hold regular meetings regarding compliance, formulate preventative measures, and share information (ongoing)
  • Held compliance management meetings semiannually to analyze matters related to compliance and risks involving our businesses, formulate preventative measures, and share information
  • Hold regular meetings regarding compliance, formulate preventative measures, and share information (ongoing)
  • Conduct compliance training at the Hitachi Metals Group (ongoing)
  • Conduct environmental education at the Head Office and each business site (ongoing)
  • Conducted online compliance training for all back-office workers in group companies in Japan, and provided e-learning programs regarding compliance codes for all back-office workers in group companies in Japan and overseas (participation rate: 100%)
  • Conduct compliance training at the Hitachi Metals Group (ongoing)
  • Implement environmental auditor development training (once or more)
  • Provide environmental e-learning programs (ongoing)
  • Conduct Hitachi Insights, the Hitachi Group employee satisfaction survey targeting all back-office workers (ongoing)
  • Implemented environmental auditor development training (once)
  • Provided environmental e-learning programs (participation rate: 92%)
  • Conducted Hitachi Insights, the Hitachi Group employee satisfaction survey targeting all back-office workers in September and October (7,522 employees responded on a consolidated basis)
  • Conduct Hitachi Insights, the Hitachi Group employee satisfaction survey targeting all back-office workers (ongoing)
2. Human Rights
  • All employees receive human rights training every three years, based on the Hitachi Metals Group Human Rights Policy, according to the Hitachi Group's policies
  • Conducted human rights training in a planned manner throughout the entire Hitachi Metals Group (6,623 employees participated on a consolidated basis)
  • Conduct human rights training in a planned manner throughout the entire Hitachi Metals Group (ongoing)
3. Labor Practices
  • Further improve operational efficiency by implementing initiatives related to the Back-office Operations Reform Project, aiming to achieve the target of increasing the total number of annual leave days used per person to 14
  • Set a target rate of 50% or more for employment diversity (ongoing)
  • Set a target ratio of 5% for women in career-track positions (ongoing)
  • At 13.6 days, failed to achieve the target for the total number of annual leave days used per person, despite expanding usage of tools for improving back-office operations to further increase operational efficiency.
  • At 11%, failed to achieve the diversity employment target rate
  • At 5.3% (up by 0.2% from the previous year), achieved the target ratio of women in career-track positions
  • Further improve operational efficiency through the Back-office Operations Reform Project and consider and practice new work styles bearing in mind a post-COVID-19 society, mainly in the Head Office, regional offices, and sales offices.
  • Set a target rate of 50% or more for employment diversity (ongoing)
  • Set a target ratio of 5% for women in career-track positions (ongoing)
  • Formulate an action plan integrating the Act for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, and proactively disclose related figures to the public (ongoing)
  • Increase the ratio of women in management positions (ongoing)
  • Hold Hitachi Metals Women's Forums for information exchange between women in career-track positions and strengthen coordination among them (ongoing)
  • Formulated an integrated action plan and announced it to the public. Related figures were also disclosed as widely as possible.
  • Received the Eruboshi certification for fiscal 2020
  • At 1.5%, failed to achieve the target ratio of women in management positions
  • Held Hitachi Metals Women's Forum (two online sessions targeting women in planning-related positions)
  • Sent to cross-industrial exchange programs and external seminars for women in management positions
  • Formulate an action plan integrating the Act for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation and the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, and proactively disclose related figures to the public (ongoing)
  • Increase the ratio of women in management positions (ongoing)
  • Hold Hitachi Metals Women's Forums for information exchange between women in career-track positions and strengthen coordination among them (ongoing)
  • Exceed the legal employment rate of employees with disabilities (2.2%)
  • The actual figure for FY2020 was 2.27%, achieving the target
  • Exceed the legal employment rate of 2.3% (raised from March 2021)
  • Confirm activities regarding Hitachi Metals Group's key health and safety measures, as well as the state of legal compliance through health and safety audits of business offices, and implement health and safety training for supervisors (ongoing)
  • Conduct stress checks throughout the Hitachi Metals Group and enhance feedback (ongoing)
  • Enhance measures for health management (ongoing)
  • Full-scale operation of Hitachi Group accident investigation system (strengthening disaster analysis and countermeasures)
  • Cancelled on-site health and safety audits due to the COVID-19 situation, and conducted communication online with some offices, instead. Also, started online health and safety training.
  • Continued to conduct stress checks and result feedback throughout the Hitachi Metals Group
  • Major measures implemented for health management: steps taken against secondhand smoking; smoking-cessation programs; established smoking areas; and designated smoking times
  • Started using the Hitachi Group accident investigation system across the Company, for the purpose of analyzing causes to prevent recurrence and improving the process to address root issues, thus enhancing the operation of the system
  • Confirmed activities regarding Hitachi Metals Group's key health and safety measures, as well as the state of legal compliance through health and safety audits of business offices
  • Major health and safety training implemented: specialized training programs targeting line managers and safety managers; and online video programs for employees in general
  • Full-scale operation of Hitachi Group accident investigation system (strengthening disaster analysis and countermeasures)
  • Conduct stress checks throughout the Hitachi Metals Group and enhance feedback (ongoing)
  • Enhance measures for health management (ongoing)
  • Send individuals selected from among those at the general manager level to external training for executives
  • Conduct training of individuals selected from among those at the manager level to develop global leaders (ongoing)
  • In addition to securing a determined number of human resources by hiring new graduates, conduct midcareer hiring in the interest of personnel rotation and adjusting the age composition (ongoing)
  • Cancelled plans for sending individuals selected from among those at the general manager level to external training for executives due to the COVID-19 situation and for other reasons (plans postponed)
  • Conducted training of individuals selected from among those at the manager level to develop global leaders
  • Secured a determined number of human resources by hiring new graduates. Suspended midcareer hiring during the structural reform period
  • Resume the program to send individuals selected from among those at the general manager level to external training for executives
  • Conduct training of individuals selected from among those at the manager level to develop global leaders (ongoing)
  • Secure a determined number of human resources by hiring new graduates. Reduce midcareer hiring to the minimum levels required.
4. The Environment
  • Increase the sales ratio of key environmentally conscious products*1 (24%)
  • Increased the sales ratio of key environmentally conscious products (21.4%)
  • Increase the sales ratio of key environmentally conscious products (25%)
  • Reduce CO2 emissions per production unit (6% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Reduced CO2 emissions per production unit (-2.3% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Reduce CO2 emissions per production unit (7% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Reduce the ratio of waste and valuables generation per production unit (13% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Waste landfill rate (13%)
  • Reduced active mass per production unit of waste/valuables generation (15.2% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Waste landfill rate (10.9%)
  • Reduce the ratio of waste and valuables generation per production unit (14% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Waste landfill rate (12%)
  • Reduce the ratio of chemical substance emissions per production unit (27% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Reduced the ratio of chemical substance emissions per production unit (34.2% compared to base year FY2010)
  • Reduce the ratio of chemical substance emissions per production unit (25% compared to base year FY2010)
5. Fair Operating Practices
  • Conduct Compliance audits (ongoing)
  • Accompanied internal audits done by the Auditing Office and conducted compliance audits
  • Conduct Compliance audits (ongoing)
  • Disseminate the CSR Guidelines to suppliers not only in the countries and regions described at left, but also in the Asia and European regions, and conduct a survey on the status of compliance with the CSR Guidelines for suppliers in the above countries and regions
  • Conducted a survey on the compliance status for high-risk suppliers selected in the Asia and European regions
  • Plan to revise the CSR Procurement Guidelines in response to progress in the implementation of human rights and environmental initiatives, and disseminate the revised Guidelines
  • Conduct information security education (ongoing)
  • Conduct information security self-audits (ongoing)
  • Make an online pledge not to retain business information on privately-owned computers (ongoing)
  • Conduct targeted e-mail attack simulations (ongoing)
  • Implement measures against the sending of e-mails to unintended recipients (ongoing)
  • Comply with personal information protection laws in relevant countries, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (ongoing)
  • Conducted information security education
  • Conducted information security self-audits
  • Make an online pledge not to retain business information on privately-owned computers
  • Conducted targeted e-mail attack simulations
  • Implement measures against the sending of e-mails to unintended recipients (ongoing)
  • Comply with personal information protection laws in relevant countries, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Conduct information security education (ongoing)
  • Conduct information security self-audits (ongoing)
  • Make an online pledge not to retain business information on privately-owned computers (ongoing)
  • Conduct targeted e-mail attack simulations (ongoing)
  • Implement measures against the sending of e-mails to unintended recipients (ongoing)
  • Comply with personal information protection laws in relevant countries, including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (ongoing)
  • Revise rules related to information security
  • Enhance countermeasures against unauthorized access
6. Customers (Consumer Issues)
  • Create new products/businesses that can contribute to a sustainable society (implement tasks in companywide research themes and select themes) (ongoing)
  • Process research (development of industrial technologies using AI and robotics) (ongoing)
  • Promote cooperation and collaboration with customers and research institutions in Japan and overseas (expand open innovation) (ongoing)
  • Promoted SBC*2 themes (ongoing:4; new:2; complete:9)
  • Process research (promoted development of advanced inspection equipment, etc., using AI and robotics)
  • Promoted cooperation and collaboration with customers and research institutions in Japan and overseas (conducted joint research with institutions in Japan and overseas and developed energy-saving products and technologies)
  • Create new products/businesses that can contribute to a sustainable society (implement tasks in SBC themes and select themes) (ongoing)
  • Process research (promote development of industrial technologies using AI and robotics) (ongoing)
  • Promote cooperation and collaboration with customers and research institutions in Japan and overseas (expand open innovation) (ongoing)
7. Community Involvement and Development
  • Consider social contribution activities enabling a closer relationship with regional citizens and culture (ongoing)
  • Conducted regional contribution activities mainly in regions where offices and factories are located (social contributions amounted to 80 million yen)
  • Consider social contribution activities enabling a closer relationship with regional citizens and culture (ongoing)
  • Contribute to material science technical research through the support of Hitachi Metals' Materials Science Foundation (ongoing)
  • Support tatara method of iron manufacture (ongoing)
  • Contributed to material science technical research through support of Hitachi Metals' Materials Science Foundation
  • Supported tatara method of iron manufacture (operations and personnel) conducted by the Society for Preservation of Japanese Art Swords at Nittoho Tatara in Okuizumo, Shimane Prefecture
  • Contribute to material science technical research through the support of Hitachi Metals' Materials Science Foundation (ongoing)
  • Support tatara method of iron manufacture (ongoing)
8. Review and Improvement of CSR Activities
  • Improve responses to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)*3 (ongoing)
  • Responded to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Improve responses to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) (ongoing)
  • *1. Products that are targeted for growth based on a management strategy and that make a significant contribution to resolving environmental issues such as climate change and resource recycling
  • *2. Strategic Business Creation (SBC) Project refers to a company-wide business development project organized for two purposes: 1) to create new businesses in areas that are not covered by any existing business categories or covered by more than one category; and 2) to develop strategic businesses targeting new strategically important products from a company-wide point of view
  • *3. This project is promoted through collaboration among institutional investors and calls for information about climate change from major corporations