A Message from the President

Akitoshi Hiraki
President and Chief Executive Officer
Thank you for visiting the Hitachi Metals website.
Today, Hitachi Metals stands at a major turning point in its ongoing growth. With keywords of change and challenge, the company is implementing a variety of creative and bold action plans that are based on innovation and a strategy for growth. Hitachi Metals is committed to building a foundation that will support sustainable growth of the company’s business.
The result of these initiatives will be the creation of a new Hitachi Metals that will achieve our goal of becoming the world’s leading high-performance materials company. But we cannot just continue doing business the way we always have: Our business model must change and evolve so that we can create new value. Our products are materials and finished products at the same time. This is the philosophy we apply towards generating new ideas and concepts targeting final products that meet the needs of our customers and society. Through process innovation and the enhanced ability to develop products, we will provide our customers with products that create new value.
Although Hitachi Metals has built its business in the automotive, industrial infrastructure, and electronics fields, we are also expanding into new areas in which high-performance materials offer strong potential such as the aircraft and energy fields, medical equipment, and others.
Change represents new opportunities. As we continue to engage with the goal of sustainable growth, we will aim still higher as we train and develop the human resources that form the bedrock foundation for growth.
The embodiment of Hitachi Metals’ management principles is in the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). As these principles continue to evolve in response to changing times, all the stakeholders in Hitachi Metals’ business, including the people in our communities, our customers, shareholders and investors, stand to benefit as our company grows.
It is our hope that this website can help form stronger bonds with all of our stakeholders. We hope that your visit here will give you the opportunity to deepen your understanding of Hitachi Metals. We look forward to continuing to earn your confidence and support.
Akitoshi Hiraki
President and Chief Executive Officer
Hitachi Metals, Ltd.