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2002 News Release

November 6  Product

November 6, 2002


Hitachi Metals Adds New Low-Noise Type Series to its Common Mode Choke Finemet™ Cores.
Two Products Attain UL Certification.

Tokyo, Japan, November 6, 2002-Hitachi Metals, Ltd. announced today that it has added a new low-noise FT-3KM F Series to its lineup of common mode choke (CMC) Finemet™ cores, and that it has attained UL certification* for the two products in its existing FT-1KM F series.

new low-noise FT-3KM F Series
new low-noise FT-3KM F Series

1. The Development Process

Hitachi Metals' FT-1KM F Series of CMC cores that use its Finemet™ nanocrystalline soft magnetic material have the unique characteristic of demonstrating minimal changes in temperature even while maintaining superb noise reduction at frequency bands of less than several hundred MHz. For this reason, they are widely used to reduce radio noise*** and other electromagnetic wave noise and line noise**** in inverters** that are used in such machinery as solar power systems, water supply devices, elevators, and railway cars.
Problems encountered in the use of CMCs with these cores in a variety of applications include buzzing during the flow of electric current that is in the audible frequency range of the human ear, and that the individual cores have not been UL certified. Hitachi Metals has received many requests for improvement in these areas.
In response, Hitachi Metals has developed and now brings to market a new series of products.

2. Product Overview and Special Features

1) The low-noise type FT-3KM F Series
Hitachi Metals now brings to market the new FT-3KM F Series of cores that use minimum magnetic distortion rating***** FT-3M material. CMCs using this new series of cores have achieved a substantial reduction in noise compared with CMCs using conventional cores. For example, when running a 5 kHz alternating current, noise is reduced by approximately 25 dB at a distance of 0.1 m from the CMC and approximately 20 dB at 10 kHz and 15 kHz.
2) UL certified FT-1KM F Series cores
The two cores comprising Hitachi Metals' FT-1KM F Series have attained UL certification. The standards attained are UL 508 and UL 1604, which are requirements for UL standard certification in inverter based systems, and certification has been attained in the United States and Canada. This achievement has made is easier for systems that use Hitachi Metals' FT-1KM F Series to attain UL certification.

3. Patents

Six patents applied for (two registered)

4. Sales Projections

Fiscal 2002: ¥500 million
Fiscal 2003: ¥800 million
Fiscal 2005: ¥2 billion

5. Manufacture and Sales

Manufacture: Finemet Business Promotion Division, Finemet Plant (City of Tottori)
Sales: Finemet Business Promotion Division

  Product Inquiries: Finemet Business Promotion Division
Mr. Miki
Tel: +81-3-5765-4055
  Press Inquiries: Public Relations Office
Mr. Kobayashi

* UL certification
Certification of UL standards. UL, Underwriter's Laboratories Inc., is a not-for-profit organization established in 1894. UL is the leader in safety testing and product certification in the United States. The majority of UL standards are also registered as ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards and are highly respected.

A device for converting direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC)

***Radio noise
Electromagnetic noise having radio frequencies

****Line noise
Noise caused by inductive interference from power lines.

*****Magnetic distortion
The rate at which the dimensions of a magnetic material change in proportion to its magnetization. The smaller the absolute value of magnetic distortion, the lower the level of noise.

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