1996 The former Hitachi Cable News Release


Information (including product prices, product specifications, details of services, launch dates, inquiry information, and URLs) contained in this news release is current as of the date of the press release but is subject to change without notice. Please note that details may differ from those effective on the search date.

Shanghai Hitachi Cable Co., Ltd. Begins Commercial Production

Shanghai Hitachi Cable Co., Ltd., established in China by Hitachi Cable, Ltd. in June 1994, recently started commercial production of enameled wire, flexible flat cable (FFC) for electronic appliances, and power buses for telecommunications switching equipment. Currently, monthly production capacity stands at 300 tons of enameled wire, two million FFCs and 1,500 power bus units.

The start of commercial production is helping Hitachi Cable to build a strong operational base in China to meet increasing demand for these products from local operations of Japanese electronics companies.

To fulfill the needs of local Japanese air conditioner manufacturers, Shanghai Hitachi Cable also received approval to manufacture and sell copper heat-transfer (THERMOFIN) tubes in China. Shanghai Hitachi Cable will start production using original tubes made by Hitachi Cable, Ltd. (Japan), and is making enthusiastic efforts to achieve monthly production of 250 tons by the end of this year.

Hitachi Cable will continue to strengthen and expand this important production based in China, where fast economic growth is expected in the future.

Shanghai Hitachi Cable Co., Ltd. --- Corporate Data

1. Address --- 318 Mei Neng Da Road, Songjiang Industrial Zone,Shanghai, China
2. Site Size --- approximately 100,000 square meters
3. Plant Size --- approximately 15,000 square meters
(including a 5,000-square-meter addition for high-efficiency heat-transfer tubes)
4. Registered Capital --- 27,500,000 US dollars
5. Total Authorized Investment --- 63,500,000 US dollars
6. Representative --- Takashi Date, President
7. Number of Employees --- 154(as of February 1996)