2001 The former Hitachi Cable News Release


Contains information disclosed through the Tokyo Stock Exchange Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) and the Osaka Securities Exchange Electronic Disclosure Network (ED-NET).

Provisional Announcement of the New Board of Directors Structure and Summary Resumes for the Outgoing and Incoming Representative Directors

This is to announce a provisional resolution concerning the new board of directors structure as determined at the April 26, 2001 Board of Directors Meeting. In addition, this serves to present summary resumes for the outgoing and incoming Representative Directors.
The above shall be formally decided at the upcoming 64th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and subsequent Board of Directors Meeting on June 28.

1. The New Board of Directors Structure

President and Representative Director Seiji Hara
Executive Vice President and Representative Director (promoted) Naoyoshi Kato
Senior Executive Managing Director Ken Kubota
Senior Executive Managing Director (promoted) Yasuo Yatsunami
Senior Executive Managing Director (promoted) Masaru Watanabe
Executive Managing Director Hideoki Oshikiri
Executive Managing Director Hisayoshi Kimura
Executive Managing Director (promoted) Mitsuru Onishi
Executive Managing Director (promoted) Nobuo Ando
Executive Managing Director (promoted) Kenkichi Fujima
Board Director (not-standing) Tsutomu Kanai
Board Director Koji Muraki
Board Director Kiyoshi Shimojima
Board Director (new) Masaru Okazaki
Board Director (new) Yasuhiko Ito
Board Director (new) Seiichi Okubo
Board Director (new) Masanori Atsumi
Board Director (new) Toshio Shiohata
Board Director (new) Kazuhiro Harada
Corporate Auditor Yasuaki Watanabe
Corporate Auditor Koichi Mikoshiba
Corporate Auditor(not-standing) Yoshiki Yagi
Corporate Auditor(not-standing) Masahiro Shimojo

Auditors Yoshiki Yagi and Masahiro Shimojo are external corporate auditors as provided for in Chapter 18:1 of the "Laws Concerning Exceptions to the Commercial Code Regarding Corporate Auditors."

<Board members expected to retire>
Executive Vice President and Representative Director  Yoshihiro Matsuyama
Senior Executive Managing Director Minoru Hirata
Senior Executive Managing Director Norio Saito
Executive Managing Director Tokuji Sento
Board Director Norio Sato
Board Director Masamichi Morishima
Board Director Kenichi Kobayashi

Among those expected to retire at the upcoming June 28 64th regular stockholders meeting, Executive Vice President and Representative Director Yoshihiro Matsuyama, Senior Executive Managing Director Minoru Hirata, Senior Executive Managing Director Norio Saito, and Executive Managing Director Tokuji Sento will remain with the Company as advisors. Board Director Masamichi Morishima will become the President and Representative Director of Tonichi Kyosan Cable, Ltd., and Executive Vice President and Board Director of Hitachi Cable Sales, Ltd., Board Director Kenichi Kobayashi will become Executive Vice President and Representative Director of J-Power Systems Corporation (tentative name).