2000 The former Hitachi Cable News Release


Contains information disclosed through the Tokyo Stock Exchange Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) and the Osaka Securities Exchange Electronic Disclosure Network (ED-NET).

Notice of Acquisition of the Company's Own Shares

(Cancellation of shares by appropriation of profit as provided for in Article 3 of the Law Concerning Exception to the Commercial Code Relating to the Procedure for Cancellation of Shares of Japan)

The Board of Directors of the Company resolved at its meeting held on January 31, 2000 that the Company would purchase and cancel its own shares in accordance with Article 3 of the Law Concerning Exception to the Commercial Code Relating to the Procedure for Cancellation of Shares of Japan, as described below:


1. Reason for the acquisition of its own shares:

Taking the economic situation, The Company's business or financial conditions, etc. into consideration, the Company is now going to acquire its own shares.

2. Summary of the acquisition:

(1) Class of shares to be acquired: Shares of common stock, with par value, of the Company
(2) Total number of shares to be acquired: (Not exceeding) 4,000,000 shares
(1.06 % of number of shares outstanding)
(3) Aggregate acquisition price of shares: (Not exceeding)2,400 million yen
* Total number of shares which can be purchased and cancelled as provided for in the Articles of Incorporation of the Company: 37,000,000 shares Total number of shares acquired on or after the date (June 26, 1998) on which the purchase of its own shares for cancellation was provided for in the Articles of Incorporation on the Company: - shares